Past Sermons

📖 Scripture: John 19:28-30 (NIV); John 4:7-14 (NIV)

Join us for a reflective sermon this Sunday on our Greeneway Church YouTube channel as we explore the profound theme of thirst in the journey of Jesus. In John 19:28-30, we witness a poignant moment where Jesus, in His humanity, expresses His physical thirst, which holds deep spiritual significance.

Drawing from the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:7-14, we'll delve into the symbolism of thirst both in the physical and spiritual realms. From Jesus' declaration, "I am thirsty," to His offer of living water, we'll unpack the layers of meaning behind this essential human experience.

In this video, we'll discuss:

Jesus Would Be Resurrected, But First, There Was Thirst: Reflecting on the significance of Jesus' thirst amidst His journey to the cross.
You Will Be Resurrected, But First, There Is the Thirst: Understanding the spiritual longing within each of us and its role in our faith journey.
The Thirst Is Real: Acknowledging the reality of our spiritual thirst and the transformative power of Christ's living water.
Tune in to gain insights into these profound truths and prepare your heart for the upcoming Easter season by reflecting on the sacrificial love of our Savior.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content!

#GreenewayChurch #Sermon #FirstThereWasThirst #SpiritualThirst #LivingWater #John19 #John4 #EasterPreparation #YouTubeSermon

📖 Scripture: John 19:28-30 (NIV); John 4:7-14 (NIV)

Join us for a reflective sermon this Sunday on our Greeneway Church YouTube channel as we explore the profound theme of thirst in the journey of Jesus. In John 19:28-30, we witness a poignant moment where Jesus, in His humanity, expresses His physical thirst, which holds deep spiritual significance.

Drawing from the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:7-14, we'll delve into the symbolism of thirst both in the physical and spiritual realms. From Jesus' declaration, "I am thirsty," to His offer of living water, we'll unpack the layers of meaning behind this essential human experience.

In this video, we'll discuss:

Jesus Would Be Resurrected, But First, There Was Thirst: Reflecting on the significance of Jesus' thirst amidst His journey to the cross.
You Will Be Resurrected, But First, There Is the Thirst: Understanding the spiritual longing within each of us and its role in our faith journey.
The Thirst Is Real: Acknowledging the reality of our spiritual thirst and the transformative power of Christ's living water.
Tune in to gain insights into these profound truths and prepare your heart for the upcoming Easter season by reflecting on the sacrificial love of our Savior.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content!

#GreenewayChurch #Sermon #FirstThereWasThirst #SpiritualThirst #LivingWater #John19 #John4 #EasterPreparation #YouTubeSermon

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